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USE1.3-B UNIX File System Tree


The UNIX file system is organized hierarchically according to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

UNIX follows the philosophy that everything is a file: Directories are indicated with a “/” separator and start from the root directory “/” and different devices are linked into this tree. Files or directories can be referred to either using absolute or relative file names.

Typically, several elementary programs are installed that allows to access and manipulate files and directories.


  • To understand the file system layout and perform typical file operations to access and manipulate the file system.


  • Describe the organization in a hierarchical file system
  • Explain the basic UNIX permission model and metatada of files
  • Describe the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard and the relevance of the directories
    1. etc
    2. home
    3. opt
    4. lib and /usr/lib
    5. bin and /usr/bin
    6. sbin and /usr/sbin
    7. tmp
  • Utilize tools to navigate and traverse the file system
    1. ls (-R, -l)
    2. cd
    3. pushd/popd
    4. stat
  • Use tools to read files
    1. cat
    2. head/tail
    3. less/more
    4. cmp
  • Utilize tools to manipulate the file system
    1. mkdir/rmdir
    2. touch
    3. cp/mv
    4. ln
  • Utilize tools to identify and manipulate permissions
    1. chmod
    2. chown/chgrp


skill-tree/use/1/3/b.1591369587.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/05 17:06 by