# USE1.1-I Command Line Interface # Background A shell provides advanced capabilities such as redirection of I/O, setup of pipelines and the management of jobs. # Aim * To utilize convenient advanced features of the shell. # Outcomes * Manage background jobs: * The commands fg, bg, jobs, * The meaning of the & character, * Describe the input and output channels: * 1, 2 * Redirect input and output from/to files: * <<, <, >, >>, & * Design a pipeline for the processing of data using the pipe (|) symbol. * Assign and using shell variables and the export command. * Perform arithmetic operations on variables. * Replace the beginning or end of the text in the shell using the ${} notation. * Use widely available tools to understand and manage program execution: * top * ps (-a, -u, -x) * history * which * Use tools to search for relevant information and their arguments: * grep (-i, -v, -e) * cut (-b, -c, -f, -d) * sort (-r, -n, -k) * sed (for the basic search command and regular expressions)